Friday, September 21, 2007

My Felting Experience

Well I've officially felted! What can I say about felting... it has its ups and downs. One thing I did enjoy about this project was the ease of joining in the ends of my yarn.. I was able to do that 'felting join' don't know what you would really call it. Though it's when you wet the two ends of your yarn and then use the friction from your hands to join them together... that was pretty amazing. Oh and I also tried a new bind off that I highly recommend. Learned it from a Knitty Gritty this week. Basically, you knit 2 together and then slip the stitch back to the left needle and knit 2 together again.. and just repeat till the last stitch. Okay enough about that back to my felting experience.

Here it is before any felting what so ever...

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Okay so the washing machine that I use is a front-loader so I always thought how would I be able to felt... well in the most recent Knitty I found this article on felting before washing machines so I gave it a try...

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The article doesn't lie talk about tiring work and messy. So I decided to stop on felting this way and decided to felt in the washing machine. Thank goodness for modern appliances. Thankfully I had found another article on felting in a front load machine and it worked

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All that is left is some drying and then a little icord and a button.

Felting something I'm glad I've learned to do. One more technique tried.... so many more to come.

1 comment:

chenchy said...

eeeewww...i can't believe you had to use a plunger! I am glad there are machine instructions!!!!


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