Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Knit Knack Blanket Squares!

Yeah! They are officially done. After much procrastination on my part; the squares are finished.

When I first signed up for this in May 2008. I thought no problem I'll be able to get 24 squares done in plenty of time for the deadline. But as the deadline approached I knew I wasn't going to make it. Luckily, it was extended till the end of January. Well here we are in February and I haven't mailed them out. But they will be all on their way to their new homes by the end of the week.

I hope everyone will enjoy the square I made. As you can see in the picture they are various patterns. I just couldn't decide on just one, and I didn't really want to get bored by doing just one design.

Now the next step will be waiting for all the squares to arrive. I have already received some... which makes me feel even worse that I haven't mailed any out. Once they arrive it will be interesting to see how long it takes me to put it all together.


Welcome to all who have come to read my blog. Please understand that this is a total Work in Progress. I vow to get better as time goes on.